Posted in Discovery Project: March

Day 5 of March: Taking a risk

This week, I have set myself several tasks which include, taking a risk, go exploring and be spontaneous, all while heading up north for the weekend to visit a friend.  Since exploring and spontaneous will probably more likely to happen at the end of the week, when I am in a totally new environment, I decided to start the week with a risk.  I took chocolate chip cookies into work. Now, this may not sound like a risk, especially given my husband’s work colleagues reaction to the cookies, but I have some hardcore bakers at my work.  To get any traction, the cookies had to be just right. People loved them. I received so many compliments about them. When people heard I made them they would stop to tell me how delicious they were. And, they were almost all gone by noon. I just cannot be more pleased.  Although, I now crave the damn things myself. It was a small risk, but baby steps.

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